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Continuing professional practice instruction - Specialized English for Business

Specialized English for Business

Principles and forms of the internship:

Preliminary information:

Students of the Specialized English for Business program are required to complete a mandatory internship that is an integral part of the educational process. The institutions where students may complete internships are units with which the University has signed an agreement to conduct internships, or any unit from the socio-economic environment of the University (with the consent of the internship supervisor) where students may practically expand their knowledge, skills, and social competencies related to their field of study.

The student should report to the management of the chosen institution on the day the internship begins and remain available to the accepting organizational unit during the established period of the internship. It is the student's obligation to familiarize themselves with the internal organizational structure of the institution and its activities, as well as to become acquainted with and adhere to basic regulations, occupational health and safety regulations, discipline, and work order (it is the student's obligation to adhere to basic regulations, including punctuality, and to not deviate from assigned tasks and responsibilities), and others. It is the student's obligation to represent Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa with dignity.

Completing a professional internship will help the student become familiar with the working conditions in the chosen institution, acquire appropriate professional competencies, and most importantly, practically apply the knowledge gained during their studies, verify practical language skills, especially in the field of specialized business language, and prepare the student for work in a team and an international environment. These internships also provide an opportunity to establish contact with potential future employers.

Duration of the internship and its scheduled time:

Students of Jan Dlugosz University majoring in Specialized English for Business are required to complete a continuous professional internship after the didactic classes in the second semester (registered in the third semester). The internship lasts for three consecutive weeks, five days a week (Monday to Friday), for a minimum of four clock hours per day (thus, it lasts at least 60 clock hours in total).

Institutions/companies where the internship can be completed:

Institutions/companies where internships can be carried out should have an international character, providing students with opportunities to use and develop language and communication skills (especially in the context of specialized business language) related to their field of study. These can be institutions/companies operating in the service, economic and industrial sectors, which require good knowledge of foreign languages and communication skills, international companies, foreign corporations. The employee appointed to supervise the intern should have appropriate qualifications and professional experience. The student can indicate the place of their internship (the internship requires the consent of the internship supervisor) or can use the places proposed by UJD under signed agreements.

Objectives and tasks of the internship:

The internship allows students to use knowledge of communication and cooperation principles in an international environment and create conditions for developing and utilizing language resources, especially in the field of specialized business language, in a professional environment while maintaining ethical principles. Such an internship should require students to have the ability to solve professional problems, gather, process and transmit information (in writing and orally), and participate in teamwork. The acquired skills should enable graduates to work in international companies requiring a good knowledge of specialized language.

Organization of the internship:

The internship is organized by the Student Affairs Office, Student Internship Department at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, at the institution/company indicated by the internship supervisor or chosen by the student, based on the submitted request for internship organization, after obtaining:

  • a written consent from the management of the institution/company where the student wants to undergo the internship,
  • a written consent from the internship supervisor from the University,
  • submission of proof of payment for the internship by extramural students.

Conditions for passing the internship: 

To pass the internship, the student must provide the academic supervisor of the internship with the following documents:

  • completed internship diary, 
  • opinion with evaluation from the supervisor of the internship in the institution/company where the student completed the internship. 

Based on the documentation presented, the academic supervisor of the internship makes an entry in the USOS system.

Students submit the required documents to the academic supervisor of the internship within a week of completing the internship.

Specific objectives of the internship include:

  1. Familiarizing the student with the specifics of the institution’s/company's operation (e.g. business profile, organizational structure, statistics and indicators).
  2. Getting acquainted with the tools used in the company (computer programs, applications, systems, etc.).
  3. Familiarizing the student with the specifics of working with foreign clients, the principles of customer service in telephone and email contact.
  4. Enabling the student to use their knowledge of specialized business language in professional situations (e.g. business correspondence, conducting telephone conversations, contact with foreign clients, participation in discussions or teleconferences).
  5. Acquiring skills in teamwork, building relationships with employees and clients of the company. 

Learning outcomes for the internship:

Directional/Targeted learning outcomes

No: E1
applies linguistic knowledge covered by the study program to formulate and solve problems in an innovative way, also in unpredictable situations, by adapting existing methods and applying new tools in a professional environment

No: E2
demonstrates advanced skills in substantive argumentation using acquired linguistic knowledge in professional situations, including unpredictable ones

No: E3
prepares advanced texts in English using the knowledge acquired in the field of specialized business language

No: E4
creates extensive oral statements in English, during public speeches and presentations related to professional situations, among others

No: E5
can conduct a debate in English in professional situations specified by the internship organization, using knowledge in the field of specialized business language

No: E6
is able to communicate in English with diverse audiences using specialized business terminology

No: E7
can collaborate with other individuals in a team and take a leading role in professional situations determined by the practice venue

No: E8
recognizes the importance of acquired knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems in a professional environment

No: E9
in case of difficulties with independent problem solving, is willing to seek the opinion of an expert in a specific area of professional activity

No: E10
responsibly performs professional roles, taking into account changing social needs, while adhering to the principles of professional ethics and culture of cooperation

No: E11
is aware of the need for constant development of their competences and professional experience in relation to the changing conditions and needs of the contemporary job market

No: E12
is prepared to think and act in a critical and entrepreneurial manner

Data dodania: 07 marca 2025